
The paper of our researchers and students, Ngoc Thinh Nguyen, Niklas Fin Kompe, Nicolas Mandel, Neele Kohle, Floris Ernst, titled "Autonomous mapping…

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The conference paper of our researcher Marius Krusen with the title

"Real-time MR-based 3D motion monitoring using raw k-space data"

has been…

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The paper of our researchers, Ngoc Thinh Nguyen, Pranav Tej Gangavarapu, Nicolas Mandel, Ralf Bruder and Floris Ernst, titled "Motion planning for 4WS…

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The journal paper of our researcher Ngoc Thinh Nguyen:

"Notes on the Terminal Region Enlargement of a Stabilizing NMPC Design for a Multicopter"


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The journal paper of our researcher Marius Krusen with the title

"Very fast digital 2D rigid motion estimation directly on continuous k-space data…

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The conference paper of student Harsh Yadav and our researchers Honghu Xue, Ngoc Thinh Nguyen has been accepted at the 2023 27th International…

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The conference paper of our researcher Ngoc Thinh Nguyen and student Pranav Gangavarapu has been accepted at the 2023 International Conference on…

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The conference paper of our researcher Niclas Bockelmann and student Bennet Kahrs has been accepted at the 45th Annual International Conference of the…

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For the conference 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023), taking place 29 May – 2 June 2023 in London, the paper…

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A journal paper of our researchers Tolga-Can Çallar and Sven Böttger titled

Hybrid Learning of Time-Series Inverse Dynamics Models for Locally…

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Two other papers are finally accepted for publishing in the International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS):

The paper…

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For the conference IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2022), the paper of our researcher Honghu Xue was accepted.

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The work of our researcher Felix von Haxthausen performed together with the Image Guided Therapy research group of the Universidad Carlos III de…

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For the Conference on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS) 2022 taking place June, 7 - 11 in Tokyo, the papers of our researchers Niclas…

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The work of our researcher Honghu Xue on using deep reinforcement learning on intralogistics navigation was accepted in Applied Sciences as part of…

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Our paper "Tightening polytopic constraint in MPC designs for mobile robot navigation" by Ngoc Thinh Nguyen and Georg Schildbach was presented at the…

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Our paper "Bspline-path planner for safe navigation of mobile robots" by Ngoc Thinh Nguyen, Lars Schilling, Michael Sebastian Angern, Heiko Hamnn,…

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The work of our researcher Honghu Xue on charactering the effect of transcranial current stimulations on human arm motions using probabilistic…

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Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes "Kleine Roboter für die Intelligente Biologische Landwirtschaft" (KRIBL)

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Our ROB researchers submitted two papers for presentation at CURAC 2021 that were accepted. The conference will take place in Düsseldorf from…

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We're extremely happy and proud to announce that our bid for hosting the Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL) conference in Lübeck in 2021 has…

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Felix von Haxthausen's application for a DAAD IFI PhD scholarship was approved. From September 2021, he will do a research stay at the Biomedical…

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Our paper on discrete pseudohealthy synthesis was accepted at MIDL 2021: Jannis Hagenah and Floris Ernst: Discrete Pseudohealthy Synthesis: Aortic…

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On March 12, the Frank J. Annual Award for Innovation in Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapies was awarded to Dr. Mark Kaschwich, who presented…

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ROB researcher Niclas Bockelmann's abstract was accepted at the CARS 2021 conference to be held June 21-25, 2021.


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The paper by Nils Rottmann, Ralf Burder, Achim Schweikard und Elmar Rueckert on 'A novel Chlorophyll Fluorescence based approach for Mowing Area…

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ROB researcher Daniel Wulffs paper was accepted

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Her outstanding dissertation was awarded the renowned Behnken-Berger Prize and the Fokusfinder Prize of the Initiative Bildverarbeitung.…

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NDR video about our Jackals robots and possible applications

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Our paper titled "Robotized Ultrasound Imaging of the Peripheral Arteries - a Phantom Study" by Jannis Hagenah and Felix von Haxthausen was awarded…

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Our ROB researchers submitted four papers for presentation at CURAC 2020 that were all accepted. The conference will take place in Hamburg from…

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Our grant application for financial support by the Government of Schleswig-Holstein has been accepted. This is a great step towards bringing down…

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The paper by Nils Rottmann, Ralf Burder, Honghu Xue, Achim Schweikard und Elmar Rueckert on Parameter Optimization for Loop Closure Detection in…

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The paper by Nils Rottmann, Ralf Burder, Achim Schweikard und Elmar Rueckert on Exploiting Chlorophyll Fluorescense for Building Robust low-Cost…

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The paper by Nils Rottmann, Tjaša Kunavar, Jan Babic, Jan Peters and Elmar Rueckert on “Learning Hierarchical Acquisition Functions for Bayesian…

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ROB researcher Felix von Haxthausen will give an oral presentation at the virtually held conference CARS 2020:

Felix von Haxthausen, Svenja Ipsen,…

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ROB researcher Jannis Hagenah will give an oral presentation at the International Conference on Computing in Cardiology (CinC) 2020:

J. Hagenah and…

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ROB researcher Dr. Svenja Ipsen's abstract was accepted for presentation at AAPM 2020, to be held virtually from 12-16 July 2020.


Svenja Ipsen*,…

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ROB researcher Felix von Haxthausen's and our Masters student Till Aust's extended abstract was accepted for presentation at AUTOMED 2020 in Lübeck…

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Wiss. Mitarbeiter/in (Postdoc) für das Forschungs- und Technologieinfrastrukturprojekt OLRIM (Open Lab for Robotics and Imaging in Industry and…

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Prof. Dr. Rueckert Elmar won the "Deutscher KI-Nachwuchspreis 2019 von Bilanz & McKinsey – KI-Denker der Zukunft" for his research in fundamentals of…

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Congrats to the ROB researchers whose abstracts got accepted for presentation at The 53rd Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical…

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ROB researcher Jannis Hagenah was granted a travel scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for visiting the Computing in…

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ROB researcher Jannis Hagenah's paper was accepted for oral presentation at the International Conference on Computing in Cardiology Conference in…

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Researchers from ROB demonstrate how to easily and intuitively program a robot - the MeArm - using the Calliope Mini board. Fourteen children aged…

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The article by ROB researchers Verónica García-Vázquez and Felix von Haxthausen the Editor's choice in "De Gruyter’s Medicine & Life Science blog…

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Over the next four years, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) will fund the establishment of a new competence centre for robot…

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ROB researcher Philipp Jauer successfully defended his doctoral thesis "Physikalisch motivierte Punktwolenregistrierung - Entwurf und Evaluierung…

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After passing a highly competitive selection procedure, ROB researcher Janis Hagenah was invited to attend and present his poster at the Medical…

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1. Termin
Wann: 12.06.2018, 15:30 – 17:30 
Wo: Universität zu Lübeck, Raum C4S01 
(Container gegenüber der Mensa)
15:30 – 16:30: Neuronales…

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In der Fachzeitschrift medizin&technik wurde ein Artikel über unser Projekt zur robotergestützten Ultraschallbildgebung für Diagnostik und Therapie…

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Das Institut für Robotik und Kognitive Systeme (Direktor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. A. Schweikard) sowie das Institut für Medizintechnik (Direktor: Univ.-Prof.…

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Beteiligt am Verbundprojekt „Kombinierte Navigation zur Endovaskulären Therapie an der Hauptschlagader“ (Nav EVAR) sind die Kliniken für Chirurgie und…

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Für ein neues Forschungsprojekt (in enger Kooperation mit Kollegen des UKSH und des Medizinischen Laserzentrums Lübeck) suchen wir einen…

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Das Institut für Robotik und Kognitive Systeme gründet zusammen mit dem Institut für Medizintechnik ein "Open Lab for Robotics and Imaging in…

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Für ein neues Forschungsprojekt (in enger Kooperation mit Kollegen des UKSH und des Medizinischen Laserzentrums Lübeck) suchen wir zwei…

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Ivo Kuhlemann, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Robotik und Kognitive Systeme, ist in den Senatsausschuss für Technologietransfer der…

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<p>Our former PhD student Tobias Wissel was awarded the prestigious <a…

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Research Features Magazine ( has published an article about our research on ultrasound robotics. Check it out here: ht…

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Our abstract

"In-Vivo Comparison of Real-Time 4D Ultrasound Tracking with Electromagnetic Transponders in the Liver During Free Breathing", Svenja…

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Our paper "Combining deformation modelling and machine learning for personalized prosthesis size prediction in valve-sparing aortic root…

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Our paper "A safety module for active joint limit avoidance and intuitive hand guidance of a robotic ultrasound system" by Ivo Kuhlemann and Floris…

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 Our two abstracts

"An experimental method for evaluation of aortic leaflet shape models for personalized aortic valve prostheses development",…

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On October 1st, Mohammed Al-Badri started working as a PhD student. Welcome!

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Our "best-in-physics" abstract on ultrasound-guided MLC tracking for real-time motion compensation in radiation therapy presented at the AAPM meeting…

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Our two abstracts

"Towards 6dof tracking of deformable objects for 4D ultrasound-guided radiation therapy", Svenja Ipsen*, Ralf Bruder, Achim…

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Our conference paper

"An improved tracking framework for ultrasound probe localization in image-guided radiosurgery", Svenja Ipsen*, Ralf Bruder,…

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Our two abstracts

"Echtzeit-Lokalisation in simulierten und realen MRT-Daten für nicht invasive Radiochirurgie des Herzens in einem MR-Linac", Svenja…

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Our abstract: Svenja Ipsen*, Ralf Bruder, Ricky O’Brien, Paul Keall, Achim Schweikard and Per Poulsen, "First Online Ultrasound-Guided MLC Tracking…

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Künstliche Intelligenz – Die Zukunft? Das Ende? Oder doch nur ein großer Hype?

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Our paper

Jannis Hagenah*, Erik Werrmann, Michael Scharfschwerdt, Floris Ernst, and Christoph Metzner: "Prediction of Individual Prosthesis Size for…

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Our two abstracts

- "Robotic System for Ultrasound Tracking in Radiation Therapy", I. Kuhlemann, P. Jauer, A. Schweikard, and F. Ernst



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Die Universität zu Lübeck bietet ab dem WS 2016/2017 den neuen Bachelor-Studiengang "Robotik und Autonome Systeme" an. Unser Institut ist an diesem…

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Die jährliche Frühjahrssitzung der DGMP-Regionalsektion Nord fand am 15.04.2016 an der Universität zu Lübeck statt. Etwa 80 Personen waren gekommen,…

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Our paper

- Stefan Gerlach, Ivo Kuhlemann, Phillip Jauer, Ralf Bruder, Floris Ernst, Christoph Fürweger, and Alexander Schlaefer: "Feasibility of…

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Our paper

- Jan Grasshoff, Lasse Hansen, Ivo Kuhlemann, and Kristian Ehlers: "7DoF Hand and Arm Tracking for Teleoperation of Anthropomorphic…

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We are pleased to announce that our papers:

- Ivo Kuhlemann, Achim Schweikard, Philipp Jauer, and Floris Ernst: "Robust inverse kinematics by…

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Our joint research proposal with mtec @ TUHH has been selected for funding by the DFG (German Research Foundation). 

The proposal deals with…

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Our journal paper:

  • Enhanced Optical Head Tracking for Cranial Radiotherapy: Supporting Surface Registration by Cutaneous Structures (Tobias Wissel, P…
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Dr. Christoph Metzner will talk about 'Neural Coding in the Olfactory System' on 18th February 2016, 14.00h s.t., seminar room 2/3 (Cook and Karp),…

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Wir gratulieren Floris Ernst zu seiner erfolgreichen Habilitation!

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Das Institut für Robotik und Kognitive Systeme veranstaltete in Zusammenarbeit mit der Graduiertenschule "Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences" am…

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Our paper:

Patient localization for robotized ultrasound-guided radiation therapy (I. Kuhlemann, P. Jauer, A. Schweikard, and F. Ernst)


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Our member Svenja Ipsen has been awarded the "Innovationspreis 2015" by the German Society for Radiation Oncology (DEGRO) for her work "MRI guidance…

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Our abstracts:

  • Tissue Segmentation from Head MRI: A Ground Truth Validation for Feature-Enhanced Tracking (T. Wissel, P. Stüber, B. Wagner, A.…
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Our journal paper:

  • Data-driven Learning for Calibrating Galvanometric Laser Scanners (T. Wissel, B. Wagner, P. Stüber, A. Schweikard, and F. Ernst)

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Our journal paper:

  • Enriching 3D optical Surface Scans with Prior Knowledge: Tissue Thickness Computation by Exploiting Local Neighborhoods (T.…
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Our abstracts:

  • Modeling Electric Fields for Focal Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (C. Wilde, R. Bruder, P. Trillenberg, S. Binder, L. Marshall,…
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Our paper:

Efficient Estimation of Tissue Thicknesses using Sparse Approximation for Gaussian Processes (T. Wissel, P. Stüber, B. Wagner, A.…

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Our journal paper:

  • A comparison of two clinical correlation models used for real-time tumor tracking of semi-periodic motion: A focus on geometrical…
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Our journal paper:

  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation reveals complex cognitive control representations in the rostral frontal cortex (J. Bahlmann, I.…
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We welcome our new member Svenja Ipsen. She will work on

Ultrasound Guided Radiation Therapy.

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The paper:

Dosimetrischer Einfluss von residualen Trackingfehlern in der robotergestützten Radiochirurgie von Lebertumoren (O. Blanck, M. Grehn, S.…

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Unser ZIM-KOOP Kooperationsprojekt "Entwicklung eines humanen tACs-Stimulators", in Zusammenarbeit mit der eemagine GmbH, wurde durch die AiF bewillig…

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The paper:

Enhanced Tissue Thickness Computation by Exploiting Local Neighborhoods (T. Wissel, P. Stüber, B. Wagner, R. Bruder, A. Schweikard, and …

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The paper:

Ray Interpolation for Generic Triangulation Based on a Galvanometric Laser Scanning System (B. Wagner, P. Stüber, T. Wissel, R. Bruder, A.…

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The paper:

Calibration of Galvanometric Laser Scanners using Statistical Learning Methods (S. Lüdtke, B. Wagner, R. Bruder, P. Stüber, F. Ernst, A.…

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The paper:

  • Analysis of Feature Stability for Laser-based determination of Tissue Thickness (F. Ernst, A. Schweikard, P. Stüber, R. Bruder, B.…
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Our journal paper:

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Our journal paper:

has been accepted…

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Our paper:

  • A Unified Approach for Respiratory Motion Prediction and Correlation with Multi-Task Gaussian Processes (R. Dürichen, T. Wissel, F. Ernst,…
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Our paper:

  • Accuracy analysis for triangulation and tracking based on time-multiplexed structured light (Benjamin Wagner, Patrick Stüber, Tobias…
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The abstract:  

  • Towards Closed-Loop Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (C. Wilde, R. Bruder, S. Binder, L. Marshall, A. Schweikard)


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Das Robotik Team "Drei Himmelhunde auf dem Weg zur Hölle" bestehend aus Tobias Wissel, Christoph Otte und Robert Dürichen haben beim diesjährigen 7…

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