

Christian Wilde, Ralf Bruder, Sonja Binder, Lisa Marshall, and Achim Schweikard,
Closed-loop transcranial alternating current stimulation of slow oscillations, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering , vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 85-88, 2015.
Datei: cdbme-2015-0022
Tobias Wissel, Benjamin Wagner, Patrick Stüber, Achim Schweikard, and Floris Ernst,
Data-driven Learning for Calibrating Galvanometric Laser Scanners, IEEE Sensors Journal , vol. 15, no. 10, pp. 5709-5717, 2015.
Datei: jsen.2015.2447835

DGBMT Annual Conference, Lübeck, Germany , 2015.
Oliver Blanck, Melanie Grehn, S. Wurster, Guido Hildebrandt, Jürgen Dunst, F. A. Siebert, Achim Schweikard, and Floris Ernst,
Dosimetrischer Einfluss von residualen Trackingfehlern in der robotergestützten Radiochirurgie von Lebertumoren, Hamburg, Germany , 2015.
Svenja Ipsen, Brad Oborn, F. Bode, Gary Liney, P. Hunold, Dirk Rades, Achim Schweikard, Jürgen Dunst, Paul J. Keall, and Oliver Blanck,
Echtzeit-Zielverfolgung für nicht invasive MRT-gestützte Herzradiochirurgie, Hamburg, Germany , 2015.
S. Lüdtke, Benjamin Wagner, Ralf Bruder, Patrick Stüber, Floris Ernst, Achim Schweikard, and Tobias Wissel,
Calibration of galvanometric laser scanners using statistical learning methods, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York; Lübeck, Germany: Springer, 2015. pp. 467-472.
Datei: 978-3-662-46224-9_80


Katharina Merkel, Tobias Wissel, Achim Schweikard, and Robert Dürichen,
Respiratory motion prediction with surface EMG features, Fukuoka, Japan , 2014. pp. 290-291.
Floris Ernst, Ralf Bruder, Tobias Wissel, Patrick Stüber, Benjamin Wagner, and Achim Schweikard,
Measuring cranial soft tissue thickness with MRI or pressure-compensated tracked ultrasound, British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research , vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 937-948, 2014.
Robert Dürichen, Marco A. F. Pimentel, Lei Clifton, Achim Schweikard, and David A. Clifton,
Multi-task Gaussian process models for biomedical applications, Valencia, Spain , 2014. pp. 492-495.
Datei: BHI.2014.6864410
Robert Dürichen, Marco A. F. Pimentel, Lei Clifton, Achim Schweikard, and David A. Clifton,
Multi-task Gaussian Processes for Multivariate Physiological Time-Series Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 314-322, 2014.
Datei: TBME.2014.2351376
Robert Dürichen, Tobias Wissel, Floris Ernst, Alexander Schlaefer, and Achim Schweikard,
Multivariate respiratory motion prediction, Physics in Medicine and Biology , vol. 59, no. 20, pp. 6043, 2014.
Svenja Ipsen, Oliver Blanck, Brad Oborn, F. Bode, Gary Liney, P. Hunold, Dirk Rades, Achim Schweikard, and Paul J. Keall,
Radiotherapy beyond cancer: Target localization in real-time MRI and treatment planning for cardiac radiosurgery, Medical Physics , vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 120702-1-8, 2014.
Datei: 1.4901414
Oliver Blanck, Svenja Ipsen, Brad Oborn, Ralf Bruder, René Werner, F. Bode, P. Hunold, Gary Liney, Dirk Rades, Jürgen Dunst, Achim Schweikard, and Paul J. Keall,
Treatment planning for cardiac radiosurgery -- initial human simulations, Zürich, Switzerland , 2014.
Tiberiu Viulet, Oliver Blanck, and Alexander Schlaefer,
SU-ET-258: Parallel Optimization of Beam Configurations for CyberKnife Treatments, 2014. pp. 283.
Datei: 1.4888589
Tobias Wissel, Patrick Stüber, Benjamin Wagner, Robert Dürichen, Ralf Bruder, Achim Schweikard, and Floris Ernst,
Tissue Thickness Estimation for High Precision Head-Tracking using a Galvanometric Laser Scanner - A Case Study, Chicago, IL: IEEE, 2014. pp. 3106-3109.
Christian Wilde, Ralf Bruder, Sonja Binder, Lisa Marshall, and Achim Schweikard,
Towards Closed-Loop Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation, Munich, Germany , 2014.
Rehman Ansari, Christian Myrtus, Redouane Aherrahrou, Jeanette Erdmann, Achim Schweikard, and Gereon Hüttmann,
Ultrahigh-resolution, high-speed spectral domain optical coherence phase microscopy, Optics Letters , vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 45-47, 2014. OSA.
Datei: ol.39.000045
Ivo Kuhlemann, Ralf Bruder, Floris Ernst, and Achim Schweikard,
WE-G-BRF-09: Force- and Image-Adaptive Strategies for Robotised Placement of 4D Ultrasound Probes, 2014. pp. 523.
Datei: 1.4889502
René Werner, F. Bode, Ralf Bruder, M. Gebhard, Jürgen Dunst, Dirk Rades, and Oliver Blanck,
Impact of cardiac and respiratory motion during cardiac radiosurgery: a dose accumulation study in a porcine model, Radiotherapy and Oncology , vol. 111, pp. S197-S198, 2014.
Datei: S0167-8140(15)30608-3
Jan Graßhoff, Ralf Bruder, Achim Schweikard, and Floris Ernst,
Kalman Filter based Head Tracking for Cranial Radiation Therapy with low-cost Range-Imaging Cameras, Deserno, Thomas M. and Handels, Heinz and Tolxdorff, Thomas and Meinzer, Hans-Peter and Ehrhardt, Jan, Eds. Aachen, Germany; Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2014. pp. 324-329.
Datei: 978-3-642-54111-7_60