

Patrick Stüber, Tobias Wissel, Benjamin Wagner, Ralf Bruder, Achim Schweikard, and Floris Ernst,
A comparison of different hardware design approaches for feature-supported optical tracking with respect to angular dependencies, 2014. pp. 204.
Datei: 1.4888259
Robert Dürichen, Xiao Fang, Tobias Wissel, and Achim Schweikard,
Gaussian Process models for respiratory motion compensation, Fukuoka, Japan , 2014. pp. 286-287.
Ralf Bruder, and Achim Schweikard,
Apparatus and method for real-time tracking of tissue structures, 2014.
Robert Dürichen,
From Univariate to Multivariate Respiratory Motion Compensation - A Bayesian Way to Increase Treatment Accuracy in Robotic Radiotherapy, Institute for Robotics and Cognitive Systems, 2014.
Robert Dürichen, Tobias Wissel, Floris Ernst, Marco A. F. Pimentel, David A. Clifton, and Achim Schweikard,
A Unified Approach For Respiratory Motion Prediction and Correlation with Multi-Task Gaussian Processes, Reims, France , 2014. pp. 1-6.
Datei: MLSP.2014.6958895
Benjamin Wagner, Patrick Stüber, Tobias Wissel, Ralf Bruder, Achim Schweikard, and Floris Ernst,
Accuracy analysis for triangulation and tracking based on time-multiplexed structured light, Medical Physics , vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 082701, 2014.
Datei: 1.4890093
Jannis Hagenah, Michael Scharfschwerdt, Christoph Metzner, Alexander Schlaefer, H. H. Sievers, and Achim Schweikard,
An approach for patient specific modeling of the aortic valve leaflets, GRIN Verlag, 2014.

Annual Meeting of the AAPM, Austin, TX, USA: American Association of Physicists in Medicine, 2014.
Tobias Wissel, Patrick Stüber, Benjamin Wagner, Ralf Bruder, Achim Schweikard, and Floris Ernst,
Angle influence and compensation for marker-less head tracking based on laser scanners, Fukuoka, Japan , 2014. pp. 62-63.
Christoph Metzner,
Centre-Surround Suppression: Computational Modelling and Neural and Perceptual Correlates in Humans, 2014.
Christoph Metzner,
Coding in the olfactory system: linking realistic and abstract models, 2014. pp. P10.
Christoph Metzner, Achim Schweikard, and B. Zurowski,
Computational Multifactoriality in a Detailed Neural Network Model Resembling Centre-Surround Suppression Deficits in Schizophrenia, 2014.
Robert Dürichen, Tobias Wissel, and Achim Schweikard,
Controlling motion prediction errors in radiotherapy with relevance vector machine, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery , pp. in-press, 2014.
Datei: s11548-014-1008-x
Oliver Blanck, F. Bode, Maximilian P. E. Gebhard, P. Hunold, Sebastian Brandt, Ralf Bruder, M. Grossherr, R. Vonthein, Dirk Rades, and Jürgen Dunst,
Dose-Escalation Study for Cardiac Radiosurgery in a Porcine Model, International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics , pp. 89, 2014.
Datei: j.ijrobp.2014.02.036
Maria Zellerhoff, Ralf Romeike, and Wolfgang Weber,
Educational Goals, Competencies, Performance --- How to Describe the Learning Outcomes of StudyProgrammes in Biomedical Engineering? 48th Annual Conference, Hannover , 2014.
Robert Dürichen, Tobias Wissel, and Achim Schweikard,
Exploiting probabilistic uncertainty measures for respiratory motion prediction, Fukuoka, Japan , 2014. pp. 59.


Oliver Blanck, F. Bode, M. Gebhard, P. Hunold, Stephan A. Brandt, Ralf Bruder, Achim Schweikard, M. Grossherr, Dirk Rades, and Jürgen Dunst,
Radiosurgery to Create Lesions in the Pulmonary Vein Antrum: Preliminary Results in a Porcine Model and Possible Implications for the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation, Calsbad, CA, USA: The Radiosurgery Society, 2013.
Birgit Stender, Floris Ernst, Bo Wang, Z. X. Zhang, and Alexander Schlaefer,
Motion compensation of optical mapping signals from isolated beating rat hearts, San Diego, CA: SPIE, 2013. pp. 88561C-1 - 88561C-6.
Datei: 12.2024847
Robert Dürichen, Tobias Wissel, Floris Ernst, and Achim Schweikard,
Multi-modal respiratory motion prediction using sequential forward selection method, Innsbruck, Austria , 2013. pp. 183-187.
Lars Richter, Gunnar Neumann, Stephen Oung, Achim Schweikard, and Peter Trillenberg,
Optimal Coil Orientation for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, PLoS ONE , vol. 8, no. 4, pp. e60358, 2013.
Datei: journal.pone.0060358